We have found the following resources helpful in developing an understanding of the history of Shockoe Bottom:

Sacred Ground Historical Reclamation Project
Chair:  Ana Edwards
Richmond, Virginia

“The Sacred Ground Historical Reclamation Project was established on Oct. 10, 2004, by the Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality to apply historical insight to contemporary dynamics to help oppressed peoples exercise their right to self-determination.”

Institute for Historical Biology
Director:  Dr. Michael Blakey
College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia

"The Institute for Historical Biology provides a space where the interaction of human biology and culture can be examined in new ways."

African Burial Ground
Operated by the National Park Service
New York, New York

"From about the 1690s until 1794, both free and enslaved Africans were buried in a 6.6-acre burial ground in Lower Manhattan, outside the boundaries of the settlement of New Amsterdam, later known as New York. Lost to history due to landfill and development, the grounds were rediscovered in 1991 as a consequence of the planned construction of a Federal office building."

Remembering Slavery, Resistance & Freedom Project
A partnership of the College of William & Mary and the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Subcommittee of the Martin Luther King Memorial Commission of the Virginia General Assembly and the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities.

"Remembering Slavery, Resistance, and Freedom is a project that seeks to develop memorial events, exhibits and/or projects to recognize the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation through discussions and engagement with Virginia’s African-descended communities and other interested groups." 

The Virginia Defender
Editor:  Phil Wilayto
Richmond, Virginia

"A statewide quarterly newspaper offering news and analysis in the interests of Virginia's poor and working people, with an emphasis on the Black community.”

Resources relevant to planning and development in Richmond:

BAE Shockoe Economic Revitalization Strategy from 2011 - commissioned by Mayor Jones administration at a tax payer cost of $150,000 - this strategic plan demonstrates the 180 degree turn-around in priority and justification being used to promote the logic of the current LovingRVA plan.

Partnership for Smarter Growth - PSG has long felt the process by which civic development occurs in the city of Richmond is flawed. Their website provides papers and resources, as well as archives of others' work or input on development in Richmond, including those directly related to the RevitalizeRVA (Shockoe Bottom/Boulevard) development proposal. Here are 2 of those pages:

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